Therapy Office in Nashville

Integrative Counseling Services in Nashville, TN

At the Gaia Center, we offer therapy for adults, teens, couples + relationships, group therapy, family therapy, experiential support services (like meal support for eating disorder recovery) and 1:1/small group therapeutic embodiment (yoga and dance) sessions.

Check out our FAQ page for information about rates and other common questions about our services. We are not in-network with any insurance companies (if you’re curious, read more on that here).

Our Specialties

While we work with a broad variety of clients and clinical issues, some of the things we are especially known for include…

  • dismantling the impact of purity culture & religious trauma (including its impact on present-day sexuality)

  • healing from all types and layers of trauma— including family-of-origin and relational trauma, “big T" traumatic events including sexual trauma, and systemic / intergenerational trauma rooted in patriarchy & white supremacy

  • supporting high-achievers who know how to "check the boxes" for external success but want to connect to a deeper sense of self, challenging perfectionism and self-criticism, and establishing healthy relationship patterns

  • finding greater connection to hope & meaning, while acknowledging the pain of living in a troubled world (informed by intersectional anti-oppression and anti-racism principles, existential and humanistic psychology, and ecopsychology)

  • moving beyond the cognitive / conscious mind to create shifts in the unconscious mind for more impactful and sustainable change

  • reclaiming sexuality, pleasure, and intimacy— whether that looks like unblocking desire, navigating various sex-related challenges, or addressing out-of-control sexual behavior

  • integrating creative, experiential, and somatic approaches into therapy to experience breakthroughs that are deeper and more lasting

Our Therapeutic Approach

Gaia Center’s clinicians utilize a whole-person treatment approach that emphasizes mind + body integration, client empowerment, trauma resolution, and values-directed living.

We use a variety of creative & research-supported modalities, such as…