Experience Integrative Hypnotherapy / Clinical Hypnosis in Nashville

“Hypnosis is the art of getting someone to focus their attention in a way that opens the door to the subconscious mind, where real and lasting change happens.” 
- Melissa Tiers, leading hypnotist, author, and trainer

Hypnotherapy, also called clinical hypnosis, encompasses a set of therapeutic techniques including guided relaxation, focused attention, and intense concentration to achieve a heightened state of awareness and suggestibility. This state, often called a “trance,” allows individuals to access their subconscious mind and facilitate profound healing and transformation.

Being in trance is essentially just being in a state of deep relaxation, and most of us enter trance states many times a day— such as when you don’t recall the last 10 minutes of your drive home, or you’re so immersed in the plot of a book or show that you feel emotionally invested and almost like the characters are “real” even though your conscious mind knows they are not.

  • Working at the subconscious level is crucial because the vast majority of our experiences, behaviors, feelings, and beliefs are governed by the subconscious mind. Transformational and healing work done here can lead to more effective and lasting changes compared to traditional therapies that focus solely on the conscious mind.

    It’s often said that “All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.” This refers to the fact that— regardless of the myths that originate from stage hypnosis and pop culture— the person in trance is fully aware and in control of themselves. So unlike Catherine Keener’s chilling portrayal of a horrific hypnotist in Jordan Peele’s modern classic film Get Out, the reality in hypnotherapy is that the client is the one “in control,” and the therapist is there as a facilitator to support the client in creating the change they want while their mind is in a state that is more suggestible (via accessing the subconscious) than that of typical waking life.

  • Clinical hypnosis has roots dating back to ancient civilizations, but gained scientific recognition in the 18th century through the work of Franz Mesmer. It was further developed and formalized in the 20th century by pioneers such as Milton H. Erickson, who emphasized its therapeutic potential.

  • Hypnotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, phobias, chronic pain, and stress-related disorders. The goal is to create lasting change by addressing problems at the subconscious* level, where most of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are rooted.

    (*The terms “subconscious” and “unconscious” are often used interchangeably in the field of hypnosis / hypnotherapy.)

  • Research supports the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis for treating various mental health and physical concerns. Dr. David Spiegel, Associate Chair of Psychiatry at Stanford School of Medicine, has conducted extensive research demonstrating hypnosis’s efficacy in managing pain, reducing anxiety, and improving overall mental health. These studies underscore how accessing and reprogramming the subconscious mind through hypnosis can lead to significant improvements in wellbeing.

woman running through a sunset

Interested in hypnotherapy?

At The Gaia Center, several of our therapists are trained in hypnotherapy and are dedicated to helping clients achieve profound and lasting growth through this powerful modality.

If you’re interested in exploring hypnotherapy in Nashville, contact The Gaia Center for Embodied Healing. Our experienced therapists are here to support you with this transformative approach. Reach out today to learn more and schedule your appointment. Let us help you unlock the power of your subconscious mind for lasting change and healing.