Vystopia & Working with a Vegan Therapist / Coach

Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable.
-Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, author, podcaster, and general vegan fairy godmother

Ethical veganism is a lifestyle choice rooted in compassion, aiming to avoid all forms of animal exploitation and abuse.*

It extends beyond a plant-based diet to include clothing, entertainment, and other aspects of life, promoting a world where animals are seen as individuals and treated with respect and dignity.

Are you landing on this page as someone who’s veg-curious? Wonderful! Check out our Resources page for some helpful places to start your exploration.

(*Non-vegans will often point out that eliminating ALL suffering is impossible, including suffering of humans working in farming, textiles, and other industries. Vegans don’t pretend that we can live in a way that causes NO harm, but rather that there are simple choices we can make to work toward minimal harm, including viewing the lives of animals as valuable. While it’s certainly not possible to live a totally vegan lifestyle in some parts of the world, for most of us in the US with even some financial privilege and not living in a food desert, veganism can be both accessible and even less expensive than consuming animal products.)

  • The term “Vystopia” was coined by Australian psychologist Clare Mann to describe the existential crisis experienced by vegans living in a non-vegan world. It combines “vegan” with “dystopia” to capture the anguish and distress vegans feel as they witness widespread speciesism and animal exploitation. For ethical vegans, constantly encountering animal exploitation and speciesism can be incredibly distressing. This perpetual exposure to suffering and injustice can lead to feelings of isolation, frustration, and helplessness.

  • At The Gaia Center, our ecopsychological approach recognizes that our wellbeing is deeply intertwined with the Earth and the more-than-human beings we share her with. We support ethical vegans in navigating their emotional and psychological challenges, understanding that their distress is valid and deeply rooted in compassion for all life. Our founder Valerie Martin has lived an ethical vegan lifestyle since 2016, and loves supporting vegan clients.

  • Having a therapist who shares your vegan worldview isn’t something that feels important to all ethical vegans, but for some, it can feel immensely beneficial or even necessary. Some clients report that working with a vegan therapist allows for a deeper understanding and validation of their pain, and that it is healing to know that their therapist “gets” how they see and relate with animals. We aim to help vegan clients find hope and stay engaged in the fight for animals, while developing strategies to better cope with Vystopia and ultimately experience more peace and joy in life.

    These practices enhance the client’s ability to connect with their body and promote overall well-being. We also integrate specific practices from Life Force Yoga, an approach that utilizes yoga techniques to skillfully manage mood and anxiety, release trauma, and promote deeper embodiment.

  • There are a LOT of myths about veganism, and we’re often made the butt of the joke. (And yes, most of us get plenty of protein… just like our big ape friends who eat 98% plants.)

    Sure, some vegans— just like non-vegans— choose to integrate health goals into their decision-making with food.

    But for ethical vegans, the diet is not the point; it is simply a means to an end, which is living with greater compassion. Vegans can enjoy a wide variety of foods— sure, vegetables, whole grains, and tofu— but also nachos, ice cream, pizza, and cheeseburgers. And what a wonderful time to be a vegan with an explosion of new delicious food options all the time!

    Whether you’re in recovery from an eating disorder or not, it can be wonderful to flip the bird to Diet Culture and enjoy these “play food” options in addition to more nutritious foods. As Valerie likes to say, “Anything you can eat, I can eat vegan!”

Start Your Healing Journey with Us

If you’re struggling with Vystopia or seeking support from an ethical vegan therapist in Nashville, contact The Gaia Center. Our founder Valerie would love to support you in navigating the challenges of being vegan in a non-vegan world, and finding ways to cope and feel more at peace even as we continue the enduring fight for animal rights. Reach out today to learn more and schedule your appointment.