Therapy for ADHD

Living with ADHD can feel like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle. 🫣😵‍

But at The Gaia Center, we’re here to help you master the art of balance… or at least not catching your unicycle on fire.

We love our neurospicy clients! In addition to having numerous neurodivergent team members, several of our therapists specialize in ADHD support, and can create personalized strategies to enhance your focus and attention, improve executive functioning (hello time management!), manage impulsivity, and harness your unique strengths.

Why Choose Us for ADHD Therapy?

  • Our therapists are well-versed in effective ADHD treatment and have extensive experience working with a variety of neurodiverse clients.

  • We integrate evidence-based treatment with a whole-person approach to address ADHD’s multifaceted challenges, ensuring a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs.

  • We understand that ADHD manifests differently for everyone. Our personalized approach means your therapy is as unique as you are, focusing on your specific challenges and goals.

  • We provide tools and education to help you understand ADHD, empowering you to take control of your symptoms and thrive in daily life.

  • Our welcoming, non-judgmental environment fosters growth and resilience, allowing you to explore and embrace your ADHD strengths.

Getting Clarity on Your Diagnosis

Regardless of what people on TikTok may be saying, the reality is that many symptoms of ADHD also overlap with other conditions like complex trauma, depression, and anxiety.

Working in collaboration with your psychiatric provider (and we’re happy to recommend great ones), our goal is to thoroughly explore the origin of your symptoms, so we can ensure that your treatment plan will be most effective to address both the symptom root cause AND help you build the skills you need to thrive.

Regardless of whether your symptoms are a result of the neurodevelopmental disorder called ADHD, are more related to one of the issues listed above, or can be better explained as a persistent rewiring of your neural pathways due to living in a hyperstimulated, tech-addicted society— we can help you feel less foggy and fragmented, and regain your capacity to focus and accomplish the things you want to.

ADHD in Women

ADHD often presents differently in women, and because of that and other social conditioning factors, is frequently diagnosed later in life for women. This can lead to feelings of being “broken” or misunderstood.

At The Gaia Center, we recognize these unique challenges and provide specialized support to help you understand and manage your ADHD, empowering you to realize your strengths and embrace your true potential.

ADHD doesn’t have to hold you back.

With the right support and strategies, you can lead a productive and fulfilling life—AND you can embody more fully the truth that your productivity does not determine your worth.

Contact The Gaia Center to learn more about our ADHD therapy for adults, and schedule your appointment today. Let’s turn your ADHD into a superpower together!