Yoga mat and yoga blocks

Work With a Somatic Therapist at The Gaia Center

Two women standing on yoga mats and smiling. Valerie Martin Colleen Werner Nashville.

Somatic Therapy focuses on the connection between the mind, body, relationships, and environment, using body-centered techniques to address both psychological and physical issues.

It involves awareness of physical sensations, movements, and breath patterns, and can ultimately help release stored trauma and stress, and support overall wellbeing.

  • In our technology-soaked culture, many people report feeling “cut off” from the neck down. This disconnection leaves us feeling ungrounded and disconnected from our own lives. Many of our clients are highly intellectual, but struggle to feel fully present and connected to their bodies. Without feeling at home in the body, we don’t feel fully alive.

    At The Gaia Center for Embodied Healing, our goal is to help clients come back home to themselves— developing a deeper sense of embodiment, aliveness, and safety within their bodies, and feeling connected with the earth, our larger body. (Read more here on our ecopsychology approach.)

  • Somatic therapy is effective for a variety of issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and stress. Goals include enhancing emotional regulation, increasing body awareness, and fostering a sense of safety and embodiment.

  • Research indicates that somatic therapy can be more effective than traditional talk therapy alone for addressing trauma and stress-related conditions. By integrating body-focused techniques, clients can process and release deeply held physical and emotional tension, leading to more comprehensive healing.

  • Bessel van der Kolk’s seminal book, The Body Keeps the Score, emphasizes how trauma is stored in the body and impacts both physical and mental health. The title refers to the fact that traumatic experiences often manifest as significant physical symptoms in addition to psychological ones, especially due to how the nervous system gets stuck in trauma responses (more on that below). Somatic therapy helps release stored traumas and other painful experiences by working directly with the body’s sensations, facilitating holistic healing.

  • Somatic therapy incorporates the polyvagal theory, which emphasizes the importance of the nervous system in emotional regulation. “Bottom-up” regulation strategies, such as working directly with the body, help clients shift from states of hyperarousal (acute panic, chronic stress, hypervigilance) or hypoarousal (fatigue, lethargy, depression, functional freeze) into their window of tolerance, where they can function optimally.

  • At The Gaia Center, our therapists have extensive training in various somatic therapy approaches. We find these methods incredibly accessible and beneficial for clients, helping them achieve deeper levels of healing and self-awareness.

At The Gaia Center, in addition to integrating various complementary somatic theories and interventions into our work with clients, we also offer some specific body-based modalities including…

  • The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP), developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, is an evidence-based auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and enhance social engagement by improving the autonomic nervous system’s regulation. Research supports its effectiveness for individuals with trauma, anxiety, ADHD, and autism. SSP uses specially filtered music to stimulate the vagus nerve, promoting a sense of safety and calm.  The Gaia Center has therapists who  are trained to offer SSP, providing a powerful tool for clients on their healing journey.

  • Deirdre Fay’s “Becoming Safely Embodied” (BSE) is a model (including a book of the same name) that offers practical skills to help individuals with trauma and attachment difficulties feel more grounded and connected. BSE integrates mindfulness, body awareness, and emotional regulation techniques to foster safety and presence in the body.

    Research supports its effectiveness in enhancing emotional resilience and stability. At The Gaia Center, our clinicians are equipped to teach BSE skills, guiding clients toward greater self-awareness and emotional well-being as part of their healing path.

  • Several of our therapists at The Gaia Center also hold Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) certifications, and offer therapeutic yoga (either standalone or integrated into regular therapy sessions). This includes pranayama (breath practices), sounding, and practicing asanas (yoga postures) to increase embodiment and self-attunement.

    These practices enhance the client’s ability to connect with their body and promote overall well-being. We also integrate specific practices from Life Force Yoga, an approach that utilizes yoga techniques to skillfully manage mood and anxiety, release trauma, and promote deeper embodiment.

Start Your Somatic Healing Journey Today

If you’re looking for somatic therapy in Nashville, contact The Gaia Center. Our experienced therapists are here to guide you through this transformative approach. Reach out today to learn more and schedule your appointment. Let us help you achieve a deeper connection between your mind and body for comprehensive healing.