man sitting alone looking sad

Substance Use + Addiction Therapy in Nashville

If you find yourself relying on alcohol or drugs to cope, feel a loss of control over your use, or notice negative impacts on your health, relationships, or responsibilities— you may have a substance use problem.

It’s important to understand that addiction and substance use difficulties are not your fault, but they ARE your responsibility to address. Substance abuse is the result of a complex constellation of factors that are often rooted in trauma and/or other underlying mental health issues.

Our Holistic, Trauma-Informed Approach

At The Gaia Center, we recognize that recovery from addiction and substance abuse is not one-size-fits-all. While some clients benefit from a 12-step fellowship like AA or NA in addition to therapy, we understand that 12-step is not for everyone. We connect clients with various resources to support their recovery, including non-12-step options, ensuring a personalized approach.

We believe that some individuals need (or best thrive with) abstinence-based recovery, while others can do well without full sobriety. The only way to know which group you fall into is to be very honest with yourself about the data you get in your own life when you engage with alcohol or your drug of choice.

For the Sober Curious

If you’re “Sober Curious” but not sure you want or “need” to fully give up drinking, we want to acknowledge that we don’t view addiction / alcoholism as a binary issue. Old-school approaches to addiction & substance use would say that “Either you’re an addict/alcoholic, or you’re not, and if you’re not then you don’t need to make any changes.” 

Many folks recognize that their current relationship with alcohol or drugs is not serving them well and seek to explore whether they want to change their patterns of drinking/using, or if they’d be better off abstaining altogether, even if they don’t feel that permanent sobriety is a “need.” Whether you choose abstinence or another path, we support your right to choose the path that is right for you, as long as safety is a priority.

woman on couch with wine looking into the distance

Mainstream Culture Has an Alcohol Problem

While there’s no need to moralize alcohol outright, our culture’s messages about alcohol are unquestionably concerning. “Mommy wine culture” has reached a new level; if the proliferation of shirts and mugs aren’t proof enough, just look to the emergence of the new seltzer brand “Mom Water” and their male-targeted counterparts “Dad Water” and “Happy Dad.” 😟

The stressors of parenting today with soaring childcare costs and poor social safety nets are very real; but what message are we sending to both parents and their kids when we communicate that alcohol is the go-to method for managing stress? Non-parents are also targeted in a million other ways, thanks to the $1.4 billion annual ad spend by alcohol brands, not to mention other forms of marketing and the pervasive portrayal of alcohol in mainstream media.

If you feel like you need alcohol to relax, be social, have a good time, or manage the stress of daily life— you’re far from alone, and this doesn’t need to be your “normal.” We’d love to support you in exploring your relationship with alcohol and developing other ways of connecting and managing stress.

Want to know more about how we work with drug and alcohol issues at The Gaia Center?

  • Therapy provides a safe space to explore the root causes of addiction and develop healthier coping skills. Our holistic, trauma-informed approach at The Gaia Center addresses the mind, body, and spirit, promoting comprehensive healing and sustainable wellbeing.

    We are also realistic that recovery is not a linear path; we will work with you on a strong relapse prevention plan, AND we never judge clients if they relapse— we're just here to help you get back on track.

  • Plant medicine in many forms can be a powerful ally in healing— and there can also be a lot of complicating variables that are important to be aware of.

    Depending on the plant, there are legality issues to consider; and certain plant medicines can be contraindicated with some mental health challenges (as well as with some medications, whether for psychiatric or physical issues.)

    If you are curious about plant medicine or are already using it, we would love to support you in examining what would best support your safety and holistic, long-term wellbeing.

    We view plant medicine not through a legal or moral lens, but through a lens of "workability"— what actually works for you in your life? Even the most seemingly harmless plants can have negative impacts on your wellbeing, so we are "pro"-whatever works well for YOU as a unique individual.

  • We support many clients with substance use concerns, and we want to be up front that we are only a good fit if the severity of your symptoms is currently appropriate for outpatient care. If you’re unsure whether outpatient treatment is right for you currently, please reach out. Even if therapy with us doesn’t end up being the best fit right now, we want to help you connect to the resources and support you need.

Start your journey toward recovery today.

If you’re seeking alcohol help in Nashville or other substance abuse therapy, contact The Gaia Center. Our compassionate therapists are here to guide and support you in taking back control over your life, and getting free from substances that are holding power over you. Reach out today to learn more and schedule your appointment. Let us help you reclaim your life and achieve lasting recovery.