Mug + Tarot cards on table


This collection of resources is far from comprehensive, but we hope you will find things here that will be valuable companions on your journey.

If you have additional recommendations, we’d love to hear about them! (…unless you are a marketing rep trying to pitch us your link, in which case we will not respond or post it because we have yet to receive one that is actually relevant. 🙃)

Intersectional Liberation + Anti-Racism + Ecopsychology

(a few of these are also included in later categories)

Colorful sign in a yard with affirmations: 'In this house, we believe Black Lives Matter, Women's Rights Are Human Rights, No Human Is Illegal, Science Is Real, Love Is Love, Kindness Is Everything.' Surrounded by plants and porch setting.


Words on white shapes

Relationships + Sexuality

love is neon sign

Yoga + Embodiment

Valerie Martin in Warrior 2 Yoga Pose

Eating Disorders + Anti-Diet Culture

Healthy Foods on Wooden Table

Body Image + Health At Every Size (HAES)

Skin Rolls on white skin

Anxiety + Depression / Mood

Journal entry with lots of words from an open head


Nashville Skyline

General Personal Growth + Spirituality

field of sunflowers