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ACT Therapy in Nashville

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (also known as ACT - and in this case, it’s pronounced like the word, not the acronym) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that combines mindfulness practices with behavioral change strategies.

It helps clients accept their thoughts and feelings, commit to personal values, and take actionable steps towards a fulfilling life.

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  • ACT is effective for a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety / panic, depression, trauma, OCD, chronic pain, stress, eating disorders, substance use, and self-injury. It aims to enhance what’s called “psychological flexibility,” which helps clients live more in alignment with their chosen values while improving their overall wellbeing.

  • Research shows that ACT can be more effective than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for various issues. Unlike CBT, which focuses on challenging and changing thoughts, ACT emphasizes developing skills to learn how to “unhook” from unhelpful thoughts and accept the full range of feelings, while committing to values-guided actions.

    ACT brings more “heart” to therapy than many old-school approaches, often utilizing experiential exercises to create deeper, more lasting insights and change. It can also feel much more approachable and realistic than trying to tell yourself to just “stop having that thought.” Especially for clients who lean toward control or avoidance to manage distress, ACT can be much more effective than CBT.

  • ACT was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Steven C. Hayes as part of the third wave of behavioral therapies. It integrates concepts from traditional behavior therapy with mindfulness and acceptance strategies, providing a comprehensive framework for addressing complex psychological issues.

  • At The Gaia Center, numerous therapists on our team have extensive training in ACT and find it to be incredibly accessible and helpful for clients. We’d love to integrate ACT to support you in navigating your challenges while moving toward a more meaningful, value-aligned life as defined in YOUR terms.

Start Your Journey with ACT Today

If you’re interested in exploring Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, contact The Gaia Center. Our experienced therapists are here to guide you through this transformative approach. Reach out today to learn more and schedule your appointment. Let us help you embrace acceptance and commitment for a richer, more fulfilling life.