But For Real Episode 11: The Sleep Episode

Ahhhh, sleep.

The thing we spend a third of our life doing and that many people don’t get enough of.

Grab those jammies and eye masks, because our main event is all things sleep: the science behind it, sleep/wake disorders, sleep facts, myths about sleep, sleep hygiene, and more!

And, as always, Val and Emerson chat about plenty of other things, including how to navigate when your work struggles seep into your personal life, nostalgic music recommendations, and some hopeful headlines that are much needed in this heavy world.

This episode covers:

Tea & Crumpets

This week, Emerson can’t stop talking about From Here To The Great Unknown – Lisa Marie Presley’s memoir co-written by her daughter Riley Keough. It’s a great peek into Lisa Marie’s life, including the many interesting dynamics at play in the Presley family.

Val is currently obsessed with Activations, an audio app with a wide variety of topics and lengths that can help you feel like your best self.

Step Into My Office

This week, a listener shared his experience of how imposter syndrome and work-related anxiety have been seeping into his personal life. Valerie and Emerson share tips for how to untangle imposter syndrome + tangible steps for leaning into community when work stress is feeling high.

The DSM: Talking about all things sleep

Val and Emerson get into the nitty gritty of sleep, starting with the what and why.

After sharing all the sciencey stuff, including the stages and phases of sleep and  sleep/wake disorders, we get into some quick sleepy facts – some fun, like what sleep is like for different animals, and some not so fun – like how just one second of microsleep while driving at 60 mph is enough to travel the length of a basketball court without control!

Then, we bust some common sleep myths (because 8 hours isn’t the gold standard for all humans) and share practical tips for how to optimize your sleep hygiene, including building routines and ways you can alter your environment to make for better sleep.

Now That’s What I Call…OKAAAAY

Emerson’s pick for this episode was Adore You by Miley Cyrus. It was the soundtrack of her freshman year of high school, and it’s the nostalgia every Gen-Z girlie needs right now.

Valerie’s pick for this episode was Dante’s Prayer by Loreena McKennitt. The song has its origin in a trip Loreena took on the Trans-Siberian, the longest railway line in the world. It’s a beautiful exploration of the human experience and how we all convey so much just by being, even when we’re not speaking.

Wait… What?! (~the sleep edition~)

We’re all for a good bedtime routine…but some viral nighttime habits are a bit out of control. Emerson and Val talk through some of the latest trends and what they think is worth trying and what should just be left behind.

Fire Dumpster Phoenix

Emerson’s hopeful find for the week was an article about an entrepreneur in Tanzania who transforms cement bags into solar-charged backpack to help children read at night. It’s been reported that these bags have contributed tremendously to academic performance AND environmental conservation 🥹

Val’s hopeful find for the week was an article about a retired bishop who transforms guns into garden tools to help youths envision peace. It’s a beautiful project that shows both physical and metaphorical transformation, which is especially hopeful in the wake of persistent gun violence.

If you want to learn more about any (or all) of these topics, click the podcast player at the top of this post or the YouTube video down below to listen to the full episode and dive in with us.

Resources + Stuff Mentioned in This Episode:

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DISCLAIMER: But For Real Podcast is not a substitute for individualized mental health treatment or healthcare. This podcast is solely for entertainment and educational purposes. If you are in crisis, please utilize crisis support services, such as the Crisis Text Line (Text START to 741741 in the US) or the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: (Call 988 in the US), or visit www.findahelpline.com for international resources.


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