Bodyful Episode #08: Amber Karnes on Yoga and Body Inclusivity

by Valerie Martin

What does “accessible yoga” really mean, and how is it challenging other wellness/fitness communities to move toward greater inclusivity?

These questions are just part of what we explore in this powerful conversation with Amber Karnes, currently the board president of the Accessible Yoga Association.

While Amber was first introduced to yoga by her trainer as a way to “burn calories on a rest day,” it actually ended up becoming the path that helped her finally feel at home in her own body and give herself permission to drop the cycle of dieting / trying to force her body to be a size that could only ever be maintained through starvation and overexercise.

Among many other things, Amber is the creator of Body Positive Yoga, which offers resources for both students and teachers to empower folks in bodies that don’t fit the “thin ideal” of western white-washed yoga to make the practice supportive and accessible in ways that often don’t happen inside the average yoga studio.

Amber is passionate about challenging the yoga and wellness communities to change, rather than perpetuating the dominant message in those spaces that people should change their bodies.

To listen to the episode, stream from the podcast player below, or search & subscribe to Bodyful on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

About Amber Karnes (she/her)

Amber Karnes is a yoga teacher trainer, ruckus maker, the founder of Body Positive Yoga, and a lifelong student of her body. Amber trains yoga teachers and movement educators how to create accessible and equitable spaces for liberation and belonging. She also creates community for folks who want to build unshakable confidence and learn to live without shame or apology in the bodies they have today. Amber is the co-creator of Yoga For All Teacher Training and the Accessible Yoga Training School, an Accessible Yoga Association board member, and a sought-after contributor on the topics of accessibility, authentic marketing, culture-shifting, and community-building. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland, with her husband Jimmy. You can find her at

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