3 Tips for Back-to-College Self-Care

by Mariana Estrada, Undergraduate Intern

Returning to college after summer break can be a difficult transition process no matter how many times you experience it.

Although college can be an extremely rewarding and beneficial experience, it can also be extremely mentally draining.

As a fellow college student who has gone through my own phases of anxiety and depression during semesters, and struggled with returning after long breaks in between semesters, I have found a few tips that help me navigate my mental health.

1.    Set a routine: Sometimes, we can dread the days we have ahead. I have found that having a set and consistent routine makes my days go by faster. When we structure our days and set simple daily tasks for ourselves, we can feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose by the end of the day. Also, by having structure in our daily lives, we can reduce our stress and anxiety that can be draining to our mental health.

2.    Prioritize sleep: Even though my academic life is important, my mental health always comes first. When I find myself having very late nights either studying for an exam or finishing an assignment, I always give myself a bedtime.  No matter where I am at when that time comes, I must stop everything that I am doing and go to sleep. Even if I am not super tired yet, being able to wind down in bed without looking at a screen or an assignment is super important for my mental health. I have learned the hard way that sleep deprivation does not produce great academic work, and it ultimately is the root of a never-ending cycle between my stress, anxiety, and depression.

3.    Find people who make you feel good: The people we surround ourselves with can directly affect our mental health. In college, we meet a lot of people and create many relationships that may or may not last. It is always important to maintain healthy relationships and strive to surround ourselves in toxic-free environments with people who make us feel our absolute best. Sometimes, our friends can be our only support system, especially in college when we are away from our families, so it is very important to maintain healthy and balanced relationships.

There are many more things that I have done that help with managing my mental health when returning to college after summer break, but I have found that these are the most important and effective. Everybody is unique, so these tips may look different for you.

Ultimately, we must prioritize our peace of mind and find what works best for us when navigating ourselves through college.

You can handle whatever this semester throws at you. 💪


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